Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good Grades + KFC = contented mom

Last Saturday, we went to our girls' school for report card day.  As expected both my girls did well, despite of A being gone for 2 weeks for her China trip.  A got 2 line of eights. The lowest was 87 and it was Home Economics.  Harhar, well that is not a surprise, but she said she missed a quiz on that or something.  While B's lowest was the usual Filipino which was 89.  Well not too shabby right.
I am very happy with their grades and I just hope my girls  are okay with them as well. Most of the time they are the ones who are disappointed. 

When we were kids our parents did not pressure us to have high marks, they never wanted me to be a kabisote. I guess that is why I never really am that great in remembering things.  Just as long as I understand the lesson and I can analyze it that is good enough.  Kids nowadays I guess have higher expectations of themselves.  I should  be grateful, right? but the pressures they place on themselves, aarrgh, is enough to give me ulcers.

Well after that, we were supposed to dine out for lunch but then the kids just wanted KFC, much to the delight of our Ate C, because she did not have to cook anything.  I am so lucky to have these kids, they are not spoiled, they are very low maintenance, they'd rather eat at home, well because they choice was Chinese food in King Bee which they have not yet tried.  hehe and A doesn't want to look at any Chinese food for atleast 2 months after her China trip. 

I was supposed to buy the KFC bucket with Tom and Jerry because C enjoys watching it on TV but,
the price was a P100 difference so being the makunat mom that I am, I just chose the regular bucket.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

fried chicken and kids = chickenjoy

My kids usually comes home from school, shouting MOOOOOOOM, and when I ask whaaaaaaaaaaT,

they answer, Mom we need a food to share by tomorrow.  They usually get home around 5 and 6 pm, respectively because one is in grade school and 1 is in high school.  It is a good thing I am a work at home mom and we are just a tricycle away from the mall.  But still, it is no fun trudging to the mall at 6 pm, specially nowadays that it is raining just to buy them something.  What about those working moms who gets home late at night around 8 pm.  I just don't get it why most of the time children are asked to bring something to school a day before.
Thanks to fast food deliveries nowadays, it makes our lives a little easier. 

Here is a treat from Jollibee no less, hey have a promo from now till october

battle of hair salon or nail spa

I do not know how to give myself a decent mani, pedi even if my life depended on it.  I end up murdering my toenails each time I attempt to do so. So I am really a slave to manicure and pedicure services.  A lot of nail salons have sprouted around the metro and I have had quite a few good and bad experiences with them. The best thing in going to a nail spa is that most of the time you can have your mani and pedi done at the same time, so your stay in the salon is shortened.  Most of these nail salons use OPI or Orly nail polish which lasts a long time without chipping specially the one on the toenails.

      Yesterday I went to Azta Salon in MetroEast to have my mani and pedi, and boy was it really good.  Although it took longer for it to be done, it was worth it.  Ate Aida cleaned and scrubbed away the dead skin and dug my ingrown meticulously without wounding me.  That is something to rave about as most of the time because my nails are small most of the nail technicians end up literally dousing it with merthiolate.

   I   usually choose the senior technicians to do the services as they tend to be more efficient and they
don't make unnecessary chitchats just like the other nail salons I went too who really have  unprofessional staffs, which deserves a different post.

The mani pedi came around to a total of P360 without additional charge for the OPI nail polish.  That is a decent price considering.

Monday, September 5, 2011

being a mom to ABC: Brother's Burger promo

being a mom to ABC: Brother's Burger promo: just read that Brother's Burger have a sale from September 9 - 16. I have always missed this promo, hope this time around I could avail of i...

Brother's Burger promo

just read that Brother's Burger have a sale from September 9 - 16. I have always missed this promo, hope this time around I could avail of it.

looking for a hongkong deal vacation.

looking for a hongkong deal vacation.

We went  to SMEX yesterday,  hoping to find a travel deal to go back to Hongkong with the kids,
to celebrate A and C's birthdays, unfortunately we misread the email announcements and we missed the Philippines part of the travel expo.

Would love to bring my kids to this place, Charlie Brown Café in Hongkong, well aside from Disney, would love for them to experience this pancake house.  My children are pancake lovers and would like to share with them one of my childhood icons.

Missed out on the Cathay Pacific travel promo.  I am not so keen on getting on board a Cebu Pacific flight with my kids but will still check for availability of promos.

Starting fresh

Starting fresh.
I am new to blogging and would just like to share my insights on being an unexpected mom of three.

No, I am not a single mom, I am indeed married,  happily married, relatively speaking yes but of course there are always kinks along the way.
Unexpected, because none of my kids were planned. They were all a surprise, my eldest A, was the reason for our marriage, B was a surprise after four years which prompted us to look for a  house instead of a condo unit, and C, was a welcome surprise after 8 years, finally we have a boy who brightens our days.

I am in a middle of finding out what I really want to do in my life and would like to share my journey with you.